Bibliografía (Morteros especiales)
ÁLVAREZ-RODRÍGUEZ, R., CLEMENTE-JUL, C. y MARTÍN-RUBÍ, J. A. «Behaviour of the elements introduced with the fuels in their distribution and immobilization between the coal-petroleum coke IGCC solid products», Fuel, 86 (2007): 2081-2089. ASTM C1113. «Standard test method for thermal conductivity of refractories by hot wire» (Platinum Resistance Thermometer Technique), 2004. BENAZZOUK, A., DOUZANE, O., MEZREB, K., LAIDOUDI, B. y QUÉNEUDEC, M. «Thermal conductivity of cement composites containing rubber waste particles: experimental study and modelling», Construction and Building Materials, 22, (4) (2008): 573-579. BLANCO, F., GARCÍA, P., MATEOS, P., y AYALA, J. «Characteristics and properties of lightweight concrete manufactured with cenospheres», Cement and Concrete Research, 30, (11) (2000): 1715-1722. BOUGUERRA, A., LEDHEM, A., DE BARQUIN, F., DHEILLY, R. M. y QUÉNEUDEC, M. «Effect of microstructure on the mechanical and thermal properties of lightweight concrete...
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